Listen' up:
I'm back in the saddle again
Out where a friend is a friend
Where the longhorn cattle feed
On the lowly gypsum weed
Back in the saddle again
Ridin' the range once more
Totin' my old .44
Where you sleep out every night
And the only law is right
Back in the saddle again
Rockin' to and fro
Back in the saddle again
I go my way
Back in the saddle again
Don't I sing purty?

I'm so 'cited to be at the tea party agin this week hepin' out Miss Kitty by providing Marshall Dillon with a brand new saddle so Festus can saddle up his horse fer him and deliver him to the weddin' alter to finally marry Miss Kitty! Talk about a man with his feet in the molasses!!! These two have had a love affair for nigh unto 40+ years, if I did my cipherin' correctly!
So why don't ya'll come on over to the tea party in the Teapot Tuesday forum and join the shindig! I'll be a-flingin' my rope today, ropin' in all the li'l doggies to bring 'em on home to the range. That be cowgirl speak for playin' miss matchmaker. Lemme know if yer in need of one of them thar ruggedly handsome cowboys to spice up yer life. I see a few others have brought the Wild Wild West man, so there might be some cat fights over him.

love it Charlene
now if cowboy is as handsome as clint eastwood was (gene autry was NOT a looker), then i'll be glad to get on that saddle with him - LOL.
Awesome job Charlene! Love the entire thing...especially those stars, rope and amazing coloring job on that saddle hun : )
okay, CharChar.....I can hear yer yappin' and singin' all the way over here, behind the horse so you won't catch me with any of dem ropes yuz is throwin' around.....somebody was askin' me what all the noise was....they thought there was a herd of cattle nearby....well.....I told them it was just our Bertie.....
fabulous card and story, my friend
Love this fabulous masculine get well card, Charlene!! What wonderful detailing on this rustic beauty!
Little Doggies!
Whut? I heard this was the place to come if'n yer wantin' to sing!Ya don't mind if'n I stole yer lyrics, do ya Bertie?
Come here, come here close, so I can tell you a secret! Shh.....closer, yah, that's good.
Charlene, just wanted to tell you that YOU are Bertie. YOU are the crazy one and everyone pretty much knows it except YOU....How could I be a good friend and NOT tell you. You're welcome, I love you too!
Okay, I gotta go, Gertie got stuck between the swinging doors in the Long Branch Saloon when she tried to make off with Kitty's new Derringer! It was diamond studded!
Fun western card Charlene! love the inked cuttled panel and that great saddle!!!
So cute!!! Great western look!!
this rocks Charlene. Love how you did the background, the little stars and the rope! too cool!
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