
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Friends Bring Special Joy

I happened upon someone's blog the other day and am kicking myself for not having favorited it.  What I loved about the particular entries I read on her blog is that she is taking the time every day over the next month I believe it is, to find at least one joy in her day, to be thankful for it, and blog about it.  What a terrific idea!  I think it's important to look for all the good things in our lives because, goodness knows, there sure seems to be a lot of bad, negative stuff going on in this crazy world of ours.  And, if we're not careful, we can spend too much time focusing on the negative and allow it to tear us down.  So, without belaboring the issue further, this blog entry is to make note of two special events that brought joy to my heart and a smile to my face this weekend.

There's no greater joy for me when I stop to realize that someone has thought of me at some point in their day. Whether in thought, word, or deed, it always makes me feel so good, as I'm sure it does for you, too. Too often we let opportunities to bless someone else pass us by when all it can take is the kindest word or simplest gesture.

My friends have always been very important to me; I cherish and value them.  I've had the good fortune to acquire many cyber friends through my love of stamping.  There are a few whom I've actually met, but there are many more that I have not and hope to one day.  I'd like to acknowledge two dear on-line stamping friends who blessed me with their kindnesses this weekend.

When I got home last evening and picked up the mail, there was a small package from Hilda (aka Broom on Splitcoaststampers).  Hilda and I both live in Michigan, but we are a great distance apart in that she lives in the Upper Peninsula, and I live in the lower part of the Lower Peninsula.  We Michiganders lovingly refer to the Upper Peninsula citizenry as Yoopers, and they, in turn, call us Trolls because we live under the Mighty Mackinac Bridge.  Anywhoooo, I have had the good fortune to meet Hilda when we were at a Upper Peninsula stamping event.  She is a warm and friendly person, and fabulous stamper too boot!  Hilda knows I am retiring at the end of this year, so she sent me this "pre-retirement" card and gift:

I love penguins and hers is colored so beautifully and then covered with shiny stuff. Check out that beautifully brayered sky, too. All in all, a reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaly CUTE card.  In addition to the card, she sent me this pretty Christmas penguin themed fashion scarf that is laying in front of her cute card.  Thank you so much, Hilda!

And then there's my friend Cindy, aka YLM on Splitcoaststampers (SCS), who has always been so encouraging and supportive of my stamping.  I'm always telling her that she has some of the best images for stamping and does that girl know how to put them to good use!  Whether she's in the mood for a cute or a beautiful design, her work always shines.  Well, earlier today, I went to check to see who the 200th featured stamper is on SCS.  Beth, the hostess of this challenge, came up with a great idea to let everyone choose any one of the previous 199 featured stampers to case.  My immediate thought was, "how will I ever choose one from all those amazing stampers?"  Apparently, Cindy was able to choose, and I was so surprised and delighted to see that she chose to case one of my cards when I was featured stamper #44!!!  She brought a true moment of joy to my heart and a smile to my face with her sweet words and her exceptionally cute casing of my card.  Here's Cindy's darling polar bear card.

Isn't that such a sweet and cute card?  A huge thank you, Cindy, for honoring me with your thoughts, your friendship, and your work!

I'll be continuing to look for the joys in my day every day! 


  1. What a sweet post.. You picked two really great stampers as your joy for the day.. I am so excited for you at the news of your retirement..Oh the things you will do...:)

  2. hey stranger!!!! super cards (as always). how u b? hope all is well. just poppin' in to say hi and wish you & yours a truly blessed holiday season.

    hugs & smiles :)

  3. yep...I'm with you...the people in your life who bring you joy are to be celebrated and the two you described surely fit the bill.....

    wonderful RAK made just for the Bertie....and a fab case by Bertie...what could be bettah

    so..how many days are left, gf???

  4. Wow, Charlene, what an awesome blog post....so true that we all need to focus on positives throughout our day or things can tear us down...I think I was MEANT to read this post today. What a great idea to blog about something you're thankful for.

  5. Amen, Sistah!!!! What a wonderful post, Charlene....I must say that reading your post was a real joy today and I will certainly take you advice!!! Thanks for being such a great inspiration, gf!!!!

  6. These are super-cute Charlene...isn't it nice when we receive something unexpected? It's those special thoughts that keep us going some days! Wishing you joy today!


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