
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Arrrr! You'll Walk the Plank If....

Yes, Frances has the CCEE Stampers talking like pirates today in honor of International Talk Like a Pirate Day!  That was her challenge to us this week to make some kind of a pirate card.  I don't have anything pirate related in my stamping stash, so I went to an on-line coloring page and downloaded this pirate walking the plank and colored him with Copic markers.  I thought he was rather comical looking.  I generated my own sentiment on my computer which reads:  "Arrrr!  You'll walk the plank if....".  The rest of the sentiment is on the inside and reads "...you don't have a Happy Birthday!" 

Wanna see what my team mates Joanne, Frances, Cindy, Shirley and Tosh made and/or participate in this fun challenge with us?  Check out the details on our CCEE blog!


  1. fun card Charlene ... you are safe from walking the plank too hehe!

  2. uh oh....looks to me like you already walked the plank.....lol....what a fabulous image and so well presented with this fab layout....bold colors....fab coloring...and your evident sense of humor.....fab work, my friend

  3. This pirate looks pretty scared walking the plank. I can almost see him shaking. A really cute image with great coloring.

  4. This is so fun! Your pirate is LOL funny. Thanks for the smiles, Charlene. I am still laughing. Great card!!

  5. Oh you and your lanquages! You know I can't talk in any other lanquages other than what ever it is I talk in! Who'd a thunk there was a day like that! Snort! I love it!

    You did good Arrr! Ooh, I did it, did ya hear me?


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