
Saturday, March 13, 2010

A RAK, a Recipe, and a Card!

Happy Saturday!!!  I love Saturdays because, typically, I get to sleep in for a little bit after working all week.  We've got a busy day ahead of us, though, so I was up earlier than usual getting busy on a few things.

First up, and long overdue, I want to show you a darling card that my good chum, Joanne (aka JoJot, SnoSnot, SnoSnertie) sent to me.  She knows I love da m&ms!!!  Isn't this sentiment just the cutest?  I've been known to sneak an m&m (or two) for breakfast.  It's how I got my nickname, Big Butt Bertie.  Now that I'm older, though, I need to rid myself of such terrible eating habits....well, maybe not.  I mean, after all, a girl has to have a few vices!  Giggle.  Thanks, again, Jo!  This adorable guy is going on my sidebar, too!

Okay, speaking of eating habits.....I truly have been trying to turn over a new leaf with a better diet and exercise.  I've been having fun (did I really type that???) participating in a step aerobics/strength training class a couple nights a week with my friend, Lynn.  She dragged me there kicking and screaming, but I finally gave in and am rather enjoying it now.

Anywhoooo, our instructor provides us with a free health magazine.  In one of them, I found this scrumpdillyicious recipe for Peanutty Energy Bars.  Instead of reaching for a candy bar before exercise, I power up with one of these.  I even had to ask my friend, Barb, who is a nutritionist, if these were really healthy because they tasted too darn good in my book to be healthy for me!  She assured me that the ingredients were healthy and that if I were concerned with the sugar content, I could probably cut back on the recipe a bit for the mixture you spoon over the bars.   These are really easy to make, too, so I thought I'd share the recipe with you.  The recipe is from the Peanut Institute.


1/2 cup salted dry-roasted peanuts
1/2 cup roasted sunflower seed kernels (or some other kind of nut to your liking)
1/2 cup raisins or other dried fruit
2 cups uncooked oatmeal (old-fashioned or instant is fine)
2 cups toasted rice cereal, such as Rice Krispies
1/2 cup peanut butter (creamy or crunchy)
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup light corn syrup
1 teaspoon vanilla
Optional:  1/4 cup toasted wheat germ

In a large bowl, mix the peanuts, sunflower seeds, raisins, oatmeal, and rice cereal (and wheat germ if you're adding that).  Set aside. 
In a medium microwaveable bowl, combine the peanut butter, brown sugar, and corn syrup.  Microwave on high for two minutes.  Add vanilla and stir until blended.  (side note:  this is where I questioned the healthy aspect of this recipe because I felt like I was eating peanut butter fudge!!!  Love that stuff!)  Pour the peanut butter mixture over the dry ingredients; mix well.
For squares, spoon the mixture into an 8"x8" pan coated with cooking spray; for bars spoon it into a 9"x13" pan.  Press down firmly.  It helps to coat your fingers with oil or cooking spray.  Let stand for about an hour, then cut into squares or bars.
Makes 16 squares or bars.
225 calories per serving
30g carb; 6g protein; 9g fat

Now, for a card I made.  We're off to visit and celebrate March family birthdays a little later on today.  I made this birthday card for my nephew and as a part of the Inspiration challenge on Splitcoaststampers (SCS).  Unfortunately, SCS has been down for quite a while this morning so I haven't been able to upload it there.  I chose this photo from the inspiration website:

I love stripes, in addition to polkadots, and drew upon that for my card.  Instead of ships and lighthouses, I cut these party hats using my Sweet Treats Cricut cartridge.    I used my double circle and double rectangle punches to decorate the hats.  The little candles are by Rubbernecker.  They also have larger size candles that coordinate with these little ones.  I used SU's Bashful Blue, Brocade Blue, and Always Artichoke for my colors.  The striped dp is by American Crafts.

Thanks for stopping by today, and have a SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPEALIDOCIOUSLY splendid day!


  1. absolutely yummy all the way around!

    love the m&m card, love the recipe (tho' i'm one very lazy cook - which means i don't - cook or bake anymore) and your card is just stunning!

    good for you on the exercise!

  2. Oh, good for you, Charlene, on your efforts to shape up. I have been struggling to get rid of those ten extra pounds that I seem to have put on the past few months. Someone may have to drag me kicking and screaming, too! Love the card. Very sweet. I was just checking out all the cute fabrics at the inspiration site. Great job on the card and thanks for that recipe, too! That would make a quick breakfast grab for me!

  3. Charlene I so admire you turning over a new leaf with exercise...I am not good with either of those...and I wish I had a friend here to drag me to something. Your recipe looks really good...I will be trying that one soon! And your card is so cute, stripes are great for boy's cards...I bet he'll love it!!
    I had seen Joanne's card earlier, it is perfect for you!! She's such a fun friend!

    Enjoy your birthday celebrations!

  4. Yum! Thanks for the recipe. Do you store these in the frig or cookie jar?

  5. Way to go, gf, with all the exercise and new eating habits!!! I will do you a favor, since you are such a dear friend, and allow you to send me all the M&M's you won't be eating...I'll make the sacrifice just for you!!!!! I love the card Joanne sent you....gotta love those M's!!! Your RN birthday card is adorable, too....I love the stripes and cute images!!!

  6. hay der kutea....iz dat recipee reelie az deelish az u say? Dem ingreedience sownd gud ta me.

    Luv dat b'deigh kard....u bee won fabyoulush kard maakre

    glad ya liked dat m n' m kard...uf curs I had te eet sum n yer onor

  7. Ah...the peanut bars...well, they would'nt work for a low carb diet which is the only way this old gal can lose weight anymore but do they ever sound yum - o!!

    Loverly cards, friend!

  8. Absolutely yummy cards!!! But my fave is the first one!!! Have a perfect Friday!!!


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