
Friday, February 26, 2010

Visit to the m&m Superstore

Thank YOU to my dear hubby who put together this awesome video clip of my visit to the m&m Superstore in Orlando, Florida a couple weeks ago. Thank you also to my dear hubby for traveling with me to the store and patiently, and I mean ever so patiently, waiting for me to do my shopping within this HUGE store! I had so much fun perusing all the m&m paraphernalia but showed (some) constraint in actual expenditures! Click on the play button to start the video. This video will stay at the top of my blog for several days, so please be sure to scroll down and check out any other daily postings I've done.


  1. Whoever knew there was that much M&M merchandise. I tell you, the whole scale of it puts the Disney store in Paris to shame. And those little bags were just the cutest!!

  2. OMG, that's like a little touch of m&m heaven. Looks like you had loads of fun!!!

  3. I've been there Charlene!!So fun to see you in your own domain...and yes, you do need to work at that store!! I am laughing out loud with the background music, wonder how many people will pick up on that? So glad you had a great time!!

  4. Thank your dh for a wonderfully put together video Charlene! Isn`t it amazing the merchandise they have?? WOW! So glad you got to go!!! I was lol at the music too!!
    Hugs, Judi :-)

  5. This is just too funny Charlene! what a PERFECT store for you!!! Can I expect my mailman to be delivering me a big box of M&M's sometime soon?!?!?!? LOL!!!

    Your DH was such a good guy to make up this theatrical presentation for you! I wish we had close ups of all your purchases though! Next time maybe...... !!

  6. What a sweet hubby you have! I had to call my daughter over to watch your video, because she's an m&m lover too. I think she'll be requesting a trip to the m&m store for her next birthday. :) (We live in Florida.) Thanks for sharing your adventure.

  7. oh it looks like you had a ball. how fun!!!!

  8. Is that what heaven looks like....must be cause I can't imagine a better place to be!!!!! I can just see you driving around town in the M&M car...did ya get that one???? Musta been Bertie I saw blazin down the interstate...LOL!!! I'm glad you had a wonderful time, Charlene even thought you didn't invite me...pout!!!

  9. Oh my, what a hoot! Just loved your video! What a nice hubby. Loved your choice of music! Glad you got to see Kitty! Great picture!

  10. That looks so fun Charlene! I love all the M&M stuff. What did you get? We need to know. When you checked out and got a bag for all your goodies, did they ask you, "Plain or Peanut?" bwahahahahaha Looks like you got peanut M&M bags.

  11. first things first.....we are gonna have to change your name...you are as far from BBB as you can be....you are SBB....lol!!!!

    and.....please thank your dear hubby for his part in making US able to enjoy this experience with you...I smiled through the whole video and had to watch it again....

    so...what did you get???? I am sure you must have bought some to eat and some to keep....

    hugs, my friend....I am soooo thrilled you got to go ...and that you 'took' us along

    luv ya
    snosnot (or snosnertie as the MM said)

  12. LOL Oh that is such a cool store. I liked the MM purse, but didn't look like you got that. :0) I liked your comment *I need to work here* bawhahah Glad you had a good time at the store.

  13. Hey, you told the Photographer that you would buy him that M & M Nascar while you were in Florida.....and you didn't! You bad Big Butt Bertie! He's gonna be so disappointed unless of course you and Terry have to walk behind the store and pick up large purchases back there? Yah, that' what I will tell him!

    I love your bright yellow shopping bags......you rocked that M & M store! I betcha they did even know the celebrity that was in their store! Big Butt Bertie!!! They should done a press release and had the Mayor there! That's how much you like M & Ms!

    P.S. Most people take vacation videos of the zoo! Giggle...but I guess Bertie IS the zoo! Snort!

    How fun Charlene! When I was in the one in Vegas I only could think of you and am so glad you got to experience it! I am glad those big towers of M & M's didn't collapse and Terry didn't have to dig you outa the M & M avalanche!

  14. Never mind....you could have eaten your way outa the avalanche!!

  15. This is adorable...I have been there too. It is amazing. I wanted one of everything..Thanks for sharing this with us..

  16. You are too funny Charlene!! I so loved watching your video. What a piece of heaven. Would love to got there!!! Thanks for sharing!


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