
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I didn't have very good lighting to work with this morning and am running late for work, so this isn't the best photo of my card for today's sketch challenge on SCS, as well as for the Mothermark Miss You teapot challenge hosted by MariLynn. MariLynn gave us this birthday hat teapot as our inspiration piece. MariLynn is continuing the Teapot Tuesday tradition---in a slightly different format---while Cindy is taking off some needed R&R. In addition to using this inspiration piece, MariLynn challenged us to make our card a birthday card for Cindy since her birthday is in October.

As you can see, I drew upon the colors and the polkadots (Cindy loves da polkadots!!) from the birthday hat teapot.

I used my 3/4" circle punch for the Gable Green polkadots on the Tempting Turquoise panel, and I used my SU markers to color the Party Hearty birthday hats in the various colors. Circle Nestabilities worked perfect for cornering the "b is for birthday" sentiment and popping it up on dimensionals over the party hats. A Lovely Lilac button was added to the center of the "b".

Cindy, if you happen by my blog, please know that I hope you are getting the rest and relaxation you need and that I, as well as many others, miss you so much! I'll be slinging purple polkadotted birthday cupcakes in your honor today, my friend. Everybody's gonna have purple frosting all over dem!


  1. This is so vibrant and cute, she will love it.

  2. I love the polka dots, and of course you HAD to add them! I used the same set, and my card is off in the mail today! I hope these do their job and perk Cindy up!! GReat job!!

  3. Love all the punching on this fun card Charlene! the dots are sure to bring a smile to Cindy's face!

  4. This card is sooo much fun, Charlene! Hey, throw some of those purple polka dotted cuppie cakes this way, would ya? Hubby on a diet so I don't get goodies either. Boo. Your work is always a treat for the eyes...and calorie free!!

  5. What a perfect creation for Cindy. I bet she is going love this sweet, fun creation.

  6. Forgot to ask, is there a special place for posting the Mothermark Miss You teapot challenge?

  7. Thanks Charlene for the info. I am going to check it out tomorrow.. Gotta get ready to take a Copic airbrushing class later today... hehe, I've never taken a class to learn the correct way to use Copics, and here I am signed up for an airbrushing class. I think I need my head examined!

  8. vibrant, bold, dramatic....love it, as will da Muddermark....

    thanks for reminding me about the teapot sub challenge....will catch up later this week

  9. Super cute, and I love the polka dots and colors Charlene!! Cindy's birthday will be here before ya know it! I wonder if anybody should warn her to duck??

  10. Love, love love the bright and cheery colors, Charlene! Such a fun b-day card!!

  11. I wondered where that purple cupcake came from...it went splat on the back of my head...hummmmm I feel a cupcake duel coming on!!!! I'm afraid I will be late for the party but never fear....I have pretty good aim!!!! Oh, btw, I LOVE your beautiful card, missy!!!!

  12. Hi Charlene!! I just love your color combo!!! So striking along with the awesome design!! Who ever receives this is going to be lucky!!! Stunning creation my friend!!

  13. Man, I wish I could work colors like you Charlene!! This card is so fun, cheery, and fabulous!! LOVE the colors, the sketch, the dots, the texture....every fantastic detail!!

  14. Too cool Charlene! Love the bold, bright colors here and your embossing too. Great job with those party-hat-stamps, and that button is the perfect added touch!


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