
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Kermit's at the Tea Party!

Didja hear? Didja hear the 'citin' news?!?! Kermit is coming to da Muddermark's tea party today! Word is that we'll be sippin' our tea on a soft, cushy lilypad while listenin' to Kermie sing his "It's Not Easy Bein' Green" song. Remember those lyrics? If not, here they are for your edification:

It's not that easy bein' green;
Having to spend each day the color of the leaves.
When I think it could be nicer being red, or yellow or gold-
or something much more colorful like that.

It's not easy bein' green.
It seems you blend in with so many other ordinary things.
And people tend to pass you over 'cause you're not standing out like flashy sparkles in the water- or stars in the sky.

But green's the color of Spring.
And green can be cool and friendly-like.
And green can be big like an ocean, or important like a mountain, or tall like a tree.

When green is all there is to be
It could make you wonder why, but why wonder why? Wonder,
I am green and it'll do fine, it's beautiful!
And I think it's what I want to be.

Although I tend to be silly a lot of the time, I really do have a deeper side and often reflect on the deeper meaning and purpose of life (no, I haven't figured that one out--ha!) But I just want to point out that this really is a cool song when you pay attention to the message within the lyrics. How many of us feel like we just blend into the background because we don't possess great beauty or talent or we're not in the limelight in some way? We must each remember that we are beautiful and possess wonderful talents in our own way; and, if we can embrace that concept, what a boost to our self esteem, which, in turn, allows our inner light to shine forth and touch others in positive ways! Whoa! Somebunny stop me now. Let's get back to the frog story....

As you may know by now, I love to participate in da Muddermark's (aka Mothermark) Teapot Tuesday challenges. Each Tuesday, she features a teapot on her blog from which we draw our inspiration to create our card (or other project). The supah fun part is that our dear, goofy friend always has an adventure planned for our tea parties and typically has some hilarious story associated with the inspiration teapot! I must tell you that the number of tea party attendees has been growing because we have so much fun! I hope you will consider checking out the Teapot Tuesday challenges and joining us. Here's the inspiration teapot:

So, without further ado (yeah, I know I already did enough of that), I hereby present to you my Teapot Tuesday-inspired card. Drumroll please.....

I had so much fun making this card. I bought this SU lily pad wheel so long ago and I don't think I've ever used it. So, imagine my excitement when I saw Cindy's sneak peek last week that we'd be doing something with a frog and lily pads! Yep. It doesn't take much get me 'cited. I colored my Unfrogettable froggie with Copics, cut him out (he didn't feel a thing...really), and popped him up on dimensionals on his soft, cushy lily pad. Oh, and I gave him googlie eyes cuz they crack me up.

My card also fits a few of the Dare to Get Dirty challenges posted on Splitcoaststampers and available to those who are fan club members. My card fulfills the following challenges:

1. Lauraly (tie one on using ribbon). I first used my SU spiral punch on the side of my cardstock so I could do a different kind of ribbon weave.

2. Kittie747 (make a scene). I think this one is obvious.

3. Becca Stamps (cut it out using punches, dies, etc.) I used my square Nestabilities (reverse framing), my spiral punch, and my Sizzix daisy die.

4. DeborahLynneS (taken with texture). I used googlie eyes and I quilled the sun. Note: This is my first time trying quilling, which also fits the SCS Technique challenge from yesterday to quill, so I did something simple with a sun.

5. debdeb (moved by the music). I love all kinds of music and have been known to break out into song at the slightest provocation...much to the chagrin of my friends since I can't carry a tune very well. Deb challenged us to use our favorite song or any piece in general that moves us. Like I indicated above, the lyrics to this song have a terrific message!

So, why not grab your stamps and creativity and join us at the tea party? Remember, we're floating on lily pads today, so you might want to wear an outfit that you don't mind if it gets wet. Sometimes the tea parties get a little rowdy (some of the guests---who shall remain nameless to protect their innocence---get a bit schnockered). I can just see some of the others trying to hop from lily pad to lily pad and dunking the guests.

Stamps: Unfrogettable, lily pad wheel
Cardstock: Tempting Turquoise, Gable Green, Whisper White, Cryogen Sparkle White
Ink: Tuxedo Memento Black, Barely Banana, Bashful Blue
Accessories: paper piercer, quilling strip, googlie eyes, Copic markers, ribbon, spiral punch, dimensionals, diasy die, cloud template, dauber


  1. cute card Charlene .... glad to see you singing today hehe

  2. what a fabulous way to open your post. fortunately for me - i am blessed. i never faded into the background. i always keep (and kept) people laughing. now i have a little bit of "artsy" talent and even more "artsy" friends. could i want more???? i think not!

    and your card is spectacular!


  3. This is fabulous, Charlene!!! Beautiful layout and design!!! Cute card!!!

  4. I think it's possible that you need some REST! You might have just barely gone around the bend, GF!! Make sure you bring your supplies to the REST HOME, where you can continue to make fabulous cards!!! I love frogs, and this card tickles my fancy! (and also my plain!!LOL!)

  5. This is sooooo cute. Your sky looks real. I love the punches on the side and that great ribbon treatment. I think your message is so true. What a wonderful way to put it into words. Kermit is a wise old frog. Super job.....

  6. What an accomplished card you have here my friend!! All those challenges rolled up into one great card! I love the frog scene and the way you threaded your ribbon!! Fabulous Charlene!!

  7. Oh, if this isn't the cutest Unfrogettable I've seen! So nicely done, Charlene.

  8. I agree with Joanne! It is the cutest little froggie ever! I love the way you did the flower/lily pad thingies on the side...it just screams FROG HABITAT!

    I came here yesterday and read your post and got side tracked at stupid work in the afternoon and had to catch up on commenting at night! Let's just start taking Monday and Tuesdays off, okay Bertie??

    You are such a goof ball! Did you see that Kermie did show up? Well, so did Miss Piggy and lets just say she has been playing the field and Kermie is going around sinking all of the lily pads....its no big deal though cuz half the frogs are schnockered anyway. They are clueless....

    It is hard to be green, schnockered or not schnockered!

    So glad you were able to come this week. You are the life of the party!

  9. It's not easy being green... Especially if you don't know for sure what color of green you are. Are you Glorious GREEN, GREEN galore, Gable Green, Old olive, Garden GREEN, Certainly Celery....?
    I am of the opinion that you are Wild Wasaabi! What do you think? I love your little frog teaparty card. Especially the quilled sun.

  10. Charlene, your card is perfection for the tea party! Love the way you threaded the ribbon and your 'clouds' are the best I've seen! Love your adorable card!

  11. Awwww, your froggie is sooo cute, Charlene....I know he will have a blast at the party (especially if there are going to be little pink frogs hopping around!!)!!! Can't wait to hear you sing at the party...are you going to wear green, too????

  12. this is one tea party I refuse to participate in.......you'll have to read my comment on da Muddermark's glob...I don't have time to repeat the whole thing.....but....

    I did thoroughly enjoy ALL of your post, both the serious and the silly.......luv ya, cutie

  13. this card is just super cute, I ablsolutely love it, just beautiful


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