
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Color Challenge

This post will probably be short as I am typing this one handed and with my nondominant hand! I underwent hand surgery earlier today to have pins removed from a finger on my right hand. Due to erosive arthritis, which insists upon eating away the cartilage in the joints of my fingers, I had one of my finger joints fused last summer to eliminate the severe pain and gross swelling I was experiencing in this finger. I am going to be one handed for about a week since my entire hand, except for my thumb, is encased in a surgical bandage. Needless to say, this really hampers my ability to stamp. Oh, we stampers. Is that all we think about? LOL!! Apparently so because my husband tells me one of the first sentences out of my mouth in the recovery room was "I think I'll be able to manipulate card stock!" He about died laughing!

Anywhooo, I had about 20 minutes before I left for the hospital this morning to make this quick and easy card for the color challenge on Splitcoaststampers. The colors we had to use were Ballet Blue, Cameo Coral, and Garden Green. I colored my Penny Black Blush image with Stampin' Up markers and water misted the stamp for a watercolored effect. I like the simple, understated effect for this card.

I hope to be back here and there with short posts until I'm back in the stamping groove! In the meantime, I'll be blurfing and surfing my favorite sites and, hopefully making some new discoveries and friends along the way. Maybe you can tell me one or more of your favorite stamping/blogging discoveries.

Thanks for stopping by today! I'd love to hear from you.


  1. Hee hee too funny Charlene. So glad that you had your surgery and it went well. Hugs from Cindy xxoo

    --Oh love your pretty card.

  2. Hope your hand feels better soon!

    I love your card...the blue flowers are so pretty!

  3. You made a card before surgery? That is a big clue my friend.....You are HOPELESSLY addicted!! HOPELESS I tell ya!! *grin* Darling card though. Very beautiful. Glad ya got to play today!! Take care of yourself!!

  4. OMG! Charlene...I didn't know it was today! Holy cow! I hope you are doing okay girlfriend! Can't believe how well you can type one handed.....I will look forward to visiting here to see how you are progressing! Or maybe I should say, I will visit here to see if you are manipulating cardstock! Giggle! You are an addicted one little buddy!

    Anyway, the card is wonderful, love the colors. So glad you got to make just one on the day of your surgery!

    Take care! Take pills if you need too!
    Hugs to you!

  5. Charlene, I'm so sorry .......I thought your hand was all taken care of! I love your card, laughed at your first thoughts, and hope you'll be stamping FAST!! Hugs, GF!

  6. Your first thoughts out of your mouth have me laughing out loud Charlene! I bet your husband did think you must be just fine, though!
    I am sorry your hand has to go through this again, but I'll be looking for you blurfing and surfing! Here's to a quick recovery for you and prayers you'll be back to stamping in no time!
    I love your card, it is one of my favorite stamps too! :)

  7. Oh Charlene, I knew nothing about the trouble with your hands.I'm amazed how you can do all that work on your cards, and taboot make one on the day of your surgery.YIKES!! Well I hope this surgery helps you. I love your card. I love the blue. And you have a neet blog.


Thank you for your comments! I love hearing from you!