
Thursday, April 30, 2009

My Very First Post!

I cannot believe I am doing this. I did not think I would EVER get into the world of blogging. A few friends have been encouraging me for some time to set up my own blog, but I have resisted, claiming I don't have the time to maintain a blog. In actuality, I think I've been more worried about not knowing what I was doing and having nothing to offer readers of my blog. A very wise friend recently told me that I need to quit sweating the small stuff and get on with it!" LOL!

So, with that said, I set out to learn what I could about setting up a blog. I couldn't find any banners that seemed to suit me, so I took a picture of this awesome m&m ceramic container that my friend, Cindy (Mothermark), gifted me and the darling m&m beannie baby sent to me by my other friend, Judy (StampingQueenJAR) and then just sprinkled a few of my beloved chocolates to finish the scene! Thanks, Cindy and Judy! By the way, I owe a very special thanks to Cindy for helping me to decide on a theme for my blog. She knows what an m&m lovin' nut I am, and she suggested the theme and title for my blog. Thanks, buddy! You rock!

I did not discover that small creative side of myself until 2003 when a friend invited me to her Stampin' Up party. I know. I know. We've heard the same story from so many others. But, truly, I had no idea what Stampin' Up was. I thought I was going to a postage stamp collectors club thingy, which would have totally bored me, but I was willing to go to support my friend. Little did I know that I would latch onto something with such fierce interest and passion. My goodness! I was like a little sponge wanting to soak up every droplet I could! Several years later and a much smaller balance in the savings account, I still feel as passionate about cardmaking as that very first time my eyes lit up with delight from viewing the various colors of cardstock and ink and ribbons and eyelets and brads and, well, you get the idea.

Unfortunately, I think many of us have felt we possessed not one creative bone in our bodies. I believe most of us learn from an early age to conform to what our parents, teachers, and those in authority want or expect of us (disclaimer: I realize this is not a true statement for ALL parents and teachers, so please do not take offense to what is merely my opinion) and, for me, I believe that squelched any creativity I may have possessed at a young age because I was always the conformist! LOL! I hope I will serve as a source of encouragement to any of you who have felt the same way as I did to branch out and discover your creative side. We all possess it!

I'm looking forward to sharing my passion for cardmaking with you and hoping to be inspired by you as well. So, with that said, I'm so glad you stopped by. Why not grab a cuppa joe or tea, kick off your shoes, and come chat with me? I'd love to hear from you!


  1. Congratulations on your new blog, Charlene!! I can't wait to follow and see your posts. This can be very addicting as you will soon see. Love the header with the M&M's, it made me smile and feel happy.

  2. Whoo Hoo! So glad you took the plunge! I am happy you did this! I will help you as much as I can but I seem to always just learn enough to get by and then forget most of what got me by! Snort! But just ask, if I don't know the answer, I will blame it on CRS!!

    I love your purple M & M Blog! It rocks and it will be fun! Looking good so far Big Butt M & M Bertie! You did good with your banner!

    You are gonna be one popular globber! Just wait....the hub-bub is that Bertie has M & M's on her blog...they will be flocking to this site!


  3. Whoohoo!!!!! Charlene, I am sooo glad to see you in blogland (silly old grandma doing happy dance here!!)!!! I LOVE your header (I'm an M&M lover, too!!) and I can't wait to see all your gorgeous creations!!! I agree with Joanne, this is very addictive but such a fun way to stay connected to others who have the same passion!!! Congrats, girly!!!

  4. Hi Charlene, you go girl, so happy you started a blog, what fun!!

    Love your header it's darling.

    Be back for your next post.......

    Hugs Cindy-Lou XXOO

  5. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!! I LOVE your Header Charlene!! So perfect, too cute!!

    Congrats on starting your blog!! You're better than me...I don't even have a blog roll!! *gasp*

    Have FUN!!! =)

  6. Ok, so we CANNOT have M&M's staring at us every time we come and visit you - I will start clawing the monitor to get at them LOL!!!! love your banner Charlene with that cute container from Cindy! Welcome to blogville girl! can't wait to see your cards up here!!

  7. You blog is making my stomach growl!!!!
    LOVE it Charlene---it is so YOU!!! Congrats on taking the plunge!!! (so glad you gave us the link--finally...it is that CRS disease, isn't it--too much hangin around Cindy!)

    Congrats--off to link you up!!! (after I grab some m&ms of course!)

  8. Charlene, what a fun and tailor made blog that is so fitting of you and your personality!! I really do love this, and your first post has me shaking my head in agreement with having the creativity squelched out of us as young kids! I remember being so sad in first grade when my tree drawing didn't win a prize, and now I have a tree stamp that I can go crazy with!! I am so happy to be invited to this place, and look forward to sharing with you a mutual love of the art of stamping!! Congratulations on your new blog!!

  9. Welcome to the blog family Charlene!! You'll be fabulous!! LOVE your blog header...so appropriate and so creative. I'll be back when you post again, for sure!! Happy stamping my friend!!

  10. Welcome to the world of the BLOGGER! I am so happy to be a follower of your blog, GF!! MWAH!

  11. hehe .... welcome to the world of blogging Charlene ... look forward to be able to follow all your posts. Guess I better go change the link for you over on CCEE hehe!

  12. OMG, gf.....Welcome to the blogging world.....how cool is your motif'....perfect for you....however, everytime I visit I may gain weight with all this sugar looking back at me.....You have done a WONDERFUL job....

    ENJOY, gf!!!!!

  13. WOW!! I had to sit down to believe it!! LOL
    I am glad you took the plunge! And I am honored that my little gift bear is in the header banner with that adorable canister!! What a cute idea!
    But as for the rest of those little colored things -- I feel a chocolate craving coming on!

    Hey - I do Blogger too - so let me know if you need any help! It looks GREAT so far!!

  14. Yippeee! Welcome to the world of blogging. It is a bit tough at first, but you will get the hang of it. Blogger is pretty easy.

    I love the name and I love the banner. Really cute!! I have my DDC sidebar links all fixed up now. Hugs, michelle

  15. Charlene, welcome! I love your M and M headline....I never knew you were a lover of these sweet guys!! Have fun with your new blog, and hang in there while you learn (we are ALL still learning!!) MWAH, GF!!

  16. Oh Happy Day!! We knew you'd give in eventually, slowly they fall...inch by inch...or something like that!! You "think" you're addicted and passionate now, just wait!! You'll start gasping for air as you find blogfriend after blogfriend after challenge after tutorial after blog candy, etc! Bon Voyage my friend!! Big hugs!!

  17. Welcome to blogland Charlene! I can't wait to see more of your gorgeous work :)

  18. Congrats on your new blog, Charlene! Love the M&M theme! I enjoyed your first post - TFS! Looking forward to following your blogging adventure!

  19. Holy Smokes - Charlene!!! Welcome to the blogging world!!! Wahooo!!!

    Have fun with it :) Hugs ~S~

  20. HUGE Congrats, Charlene!!! What fun -- You will be happy with your decision - I know!!! Adorable Blog header -- WELCOME TO BLOGLAND and I'll see you around!!!


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